1 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Harpreet Saini is a criminal lawyer practising in Brampton and serving clients from all parts of the Greater Toronto Area since 2004. He is experienced in defending clients at the Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Justice, and Ontario Court of Appeal against assault and crimes of violence, homicide, drug related offences, sexual offences, organized crimes, weapons offences, driving offences, robbery, fraud, crimes of dishonesty, and other types of criminal offences.
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Harpreet Saini is a criminal lawyer practising in Brampton and serving clients from all parts of the Greater Toronto Area since 2004. He is experienced in defending clients at the Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Justice, and Ontario Court of Appeal against assault and crimes of violence, homicide, drug related offences, sexual offences, organized crimes, weapons offences, driving offences, robbery, fraud, crimes of dishonesty, and other types of criminal offences.