130 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
John Struthers is an active member of the Ontario legal system, operating his own practice in downtown Toronto for nearly 30 years. He recently served as the Provincial Director of the Criminal Lawyers Association for the province of Ontario. In the past, he held the position of Toronto Director of the CLA for four years, and his commentary on current legal issues is actively sought after by a wide range of media outlets such as the CBC, CityTV, CTV and Global TV, as well as various newspapers and internet-based publications.
John got his start in the field of criminal law as a prosecutor, serving as an assistant Crown attorney for four years in the late 1980s in the North Crown’s Office headed by the legendary Stephen Leggett. He decided to open his own criminal defence practice in 1989 in Newmarket with offices on Eagle Street. Since then, he has had an extremely successful career, defending some of the most high-profile cases in Toronto during the 27 years since he first opened his practice.
Other Work
For over a decade John has been a member of the Legal Aid Exceptions Committee, which is entrusted with analyzing and allocating budgets for the most serious cases in the Criminal Justice System.
John is also one of the co-founders and senior supervising Counsels of the legal services brokerage SetDateCentral.ca, which was conceived and designed as a means to allow defence attorneys to cover administrative appearances at any courtroom in the Greater Toronto Area, without the extensive time investment required to travel between various courthouses in a single day.
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John Struthers is an active member of the Ontario legal system, operating his own practice in downtown Toronto for nearly 30 years. He recently served as the Provincial Director of the Criminal Lawyers Association for the province of Ontario. In the past, he held the position of Toronto Director of the CLA for four years, and his commentary on current legal issues is actively sought after by a wide range of media outlets such as the CBC, CityTV, CTV and Global TV, as well as various newspapers and internet-based publications.
John got his start in the field of criminal law as a prosecutor, serving as an assistant Crown attorney for four years in the late 1980s in the North Crown’s Office headed by the legendary Stephen Leggett. He decided to open his own criminal defence practice in 1989 in Newmarket with offices on Eagle Street. Since then, he has had an extremely successful career, defending some of the most high-profile cases in Toronto during the 27 years since he first opened his practice.
Other Work
For over a decade John has been a member of the Legal Aid Exceptions Committee, which is entrusted with analyzing and allocating budgets for the most serious cases in the Criminal Justice System.
John is also one of the co-founders and senior supervising Counsels of the legal services brokerage SetDateCentral.ca, which was conceived and designed as a means to allow defence attorneys to cover administrative appearances at any courtroom in the Greater Toronto Area, without the extensive time investment required to travel between various courthouses in a single day.