115 South Jackson, Russellville, Alabama
Rebecca provides legal solutions on line and in North and Central Alabama. This includes Madison County, Morgan County, Lauderdale County, Colbert County, Cullman County, Franklin County, Fayette County, Lamar County, Lawrence County, Winston County, and Limestone County. Rebecca is married with three sons and a daughter. She has seven wonderful granddaughters and two amazing grandson. She owns several horses and dogs. She also enjoys crafts including jewelry design. She can also be found on facebook. These all keep her busy and down to earth.
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Rebecca provides legal solutions on line and in North and Central Alabama. This includes Madison County, Morgan County, Lauderdale County, Colbert County, Cullman County, Franklin County, Fayette County, Lamar County, Lawrence County, Winston County, and Limestone County. Rebecca is married with three sons and a daughter. She has seven wonderful granddaughters and two amazing grandson. She owns several horses and dogs. She also enjoys crafts including jewelry design. She can also be found on facebook. These all keep her busy and down to earth.