750 W 2nd Ave,, Anchorage, Alaska
I'm Mike Graper and I advocate for my clients to obtain the best result they can. I have been licensed in Alaska since 2001. I was raised in Michigan, but have spent time in Alaska, on and off, for the last 20 years. I graduated with high honors from Michigan State University in 1998 with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. While at Michigan State, I also volunteered my time as a landlord / tenant counselor. I graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law in 2001. While in law school, I interned for the City of Denver prosecutor's office and served as a Rothgerber Teaching Fellow assisting first year students studying property law. I was also member of a moot court team that won the best brief in the Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition (Trademark). My practice currently focuses on criminal defense, including misdemeanors, felonies, DUI / OUI defense, and assaults. I also handle a variety of civil matters including personal injury, family, business / corporate, and real estate. I look forward to assisting you in the future.
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I'm Mike Graper and I advocate for my clients to obtain the best result they can. I have been licensed in Alaska since 2001. I was raised in Michigan, but have spent time in Alaska, on and off, for the last 20 years. I graduated with high honors from Michigan State University in 1998 with a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. While at Michigan State, I also volunteered my time as a landlord / tenant counselor. I graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law in 2001. While in law school, I interned for the City of Denver prosecutor's office and served as a Rothgerber Teaching Fellow assisting first year students studying property law. I was also member of a moot court team that won the best brief in the Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition (Trademark). My practice currently focuses on criminal defense, including misdemeanors, felonies, DUI / OUI defense, and assaults. I also handle a variety of civil matters including personal injury, family, business / corporate, and real estate. I look forward to assisting you in the future.