5111 N. Scottsdale Road #275, Scottsdale, Arizona
Jushin excelled academically from an early age, earning a scholarship towards his undergraduate degree. Jushin graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Dean’s List awards throughout his college career. Jushin received his Juris Doctor from Arizona Summit Law School where he also received multiple Dean’s List Awards in addition to maintaining a Merit Scholarship based on his academic history and graduated in the top of his class. Jushin was also the President of the Intellectual Property Student Association and volunteered countless hours to help those less fortunate. While working for a Criminal Defense firm, Jushin worked on a wide range of cases from misdemeanors to homicides. Jushin is a hardworking, aggressive and personable attorney who provides his clients with informed and thorough representation.
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Jushin excelled academically from an early age, earning a scholarship towards his undergraduate degree. Jushin graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Dean’s List awards throughout his college career. Jushin received his Juris Doctor from Arizona Summit Law School where he also received multiple Dean’s List Awards in addition to maintaining a Merit Scholarship based on his academic history and graduated in the top of his class. Jushin was also the President of the Intellectual Property Student Association and volunteered countless hours to help those less fortunate. While working for a Criminal Defense firm, Jushin worked on a wide range of cases from misdemeanors to homicides. Jushin is a hardworking, aggressive and personable attorney who provides his clients with informed and thorough representation.