701 Chestnut St, Conway, Arkansas
As a former Prosecutor and handling almost every type of criminal case imaginable, Taylor gained extensive knowledge of how the criminal justice system works and operates in Arkansas, as well as how a Prosecuting Attorney in Arkansas attacks a criminal case from before arrest all the way to trial. From the initial review of charges and which crime to charge, to setting bail, to discovery and criminal history research, to evidentiary suppression hearings, and to bench or jury trials - Taylor has insider knowledge that can work for you.
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As a former Prosecutor and handling almost every type of criminal case imaginable, Taylor gained extensive knowledge of how the criminal justice system works and operates in Arkansas, as well as how a Prosecuting Attorney in Arkansas attacks a criminal case from before arrest all the way to trial. From the initial review of charges and which crime to charge, to setting bail, to discovery and criminal history research, to evidentiary suppression hearings, and to bench or jury trials - Taylor has insider knowledge that can work for you.