271 West Short St., Lexington, Kentucky
I was born and raised in Somerset, Kentucky, but moved to Lexington to attend UK for undergad and Law school. During law school I interned for both the Lexington Public Defender's Office and the Jessamine County Attorney's office. I loved living in Lexington and opened up my own law office here. I mainly practice criminal defense, but also handle family law cases. I am licensed to practice law in the state of Kentucky and the Eastern District Federal Court in Kentucky.
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I was born and raised in Somerset, Kentucky, but moved to Lexington to attend UK for undergad and Law school. During law school I interned for both the Lexington Public Defender's Office and the Jessamine County Attorney's office. I loved living in Lexington and opened up my own law office here. I mainly practice criminal defense, but also handle family law cases. I am licensed to practice law in the state of Kentucky and the Eastern District Federal Court in Kentucky.