138 South 3rd Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Ashley’s primary practice area is criminal defense. She has represented thousands of clients in District and Circuit Courts throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Her representation has included the following offenses: Traffic Tickets, DUIs, Bad Checks, Welfare Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Drugs (possession, manufacturing and trafficking), Assault, Domestic Violence, Murder, Firearms, Sexual Crimes (rape, sex abuse), Robbery, Burglary, Theft, Shoplifting, Fleeing and Evading, Criminal Non Support, Housing Code, Animal Control, Escape, and Parole Violation Hearings. Ashley will also perform Expungements. Please visit Ashley's website at www.AshleyMichaelLaw.com for more information.
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Ashley’s primary practice area is criminal defense. She has represented thousands of clients in District and Circuit Courts throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Her representation has included the following offenses: Traffic Tickets, DUIs, Bad Checks, Welfare Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Drugs (possession, manufacturing and trafficking), Assault, Domestic Violence, Murder, Firearms, Sexual Crimes (rape, sex abuse), Robbery, Burglary, Theft, Shoplifting, Fleeing and Evading, Criminal Non Support, Housing Code, Animal Control, Escape, and Parole Violation Hearings. Ashley will also perform Expungements. Please visit Ashley's website at www.AshleyMichaelLaw.com for more information.