610 Murray St, Alexandria, Louisiana
Mr. Murry (attorneymurry.com)Graduated from the LSU Law School in 1985. He has been practicing law throughout the state of Louisiana for over twenty five years. He has represented clients in hundreds of criminal cases ranging from DWI to First Degree Murder and is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Mr. Murry represents clients in a wide range of family law matters from child support calculations to interstate child custody disputes. In addition, he is a member LSBA Family Law Section and has served on the Louisiana Supreme Court Task Force on Domestic Violence Protective orders. He has testified before the Louisiana legislature on child abduction legislation.
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Mr. Murry (attorneymurry.com)Graduated from the LSU Law School in 1985. He has been practicing law throughout the state of Louisiana for over twenty five years. He has represented clients in hundreds of criminal cases ranging from DWI to First Degree Murder and is a member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Mr. Murry represents clients in a wide range of family law matters from child support calculations to interstate child custody disputes. In addition, he is a member LSBA Family Law Section and has served on the Louisiana Supreme Court Task Force on Domestic Violence Protective orders. He has testified before the Louisiana legislature on child abduction legislation.