11900 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minnesota
If you have been arrested for a DWI or charged with a criminal offense, turn to a lawyer with over 25 years legal experience. As a former president and current member of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, I approach each case with the knowledge and resources necessary to give you a sound defense. In a DWI case, for example, I can challenge the initial stop of your vehicle, whether the police had probable cause to arrest you, whether you were correctly advised of your rights, whether a breath, blood or urine test was accurate and reliable and whether the police followed legal procedures.
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If you have been arrested for a DWI or charged with a criminal offense, turn to a lawyer with over 25 years legal experience. As a former president and current member of the Minnesota Society for Criminal Justice, I approach each case with the knowledge and resources necessary to give you a sound defense. In a DWI case, for example, I can challenge the initial stop of your vehicle, whether the police had probable cause to arrest you, whether you were correctly advised of your rights, whether a breath, blood or urine test was accurate and reliable and whether the police followed legal procedures.