7733 Forsyth Blvd, Clayton, Missouri
As a Criminal Defense Attorney, Attorney Thomas Kissell focuses on DWI and DUI cases throughout Missouri, and serious felony charges. Attorney Thomas Kissell is a DUI Attorney with more than 10 years experience. Attorney Thomas Kissell handles cases in every single county in Missouri. Although primarily focused on DUI Defense, Mr. Kissell also handles hand selected serious criminal matters.
Prior to private practice, Thomas worked in the legal department of american Family Insurance for 5 years. As in-house counsel for american Family Insurance, his role was litigating personal injury claims, determining insurance coverage, reviewing insurance policy language, and deposing adverse witnesses, police officers and opposing parties. Thomas received winning verdicts in every civil jury trial handled while with american Family and tried nearly 50 cases.
Thomas has represented 1000s of criminal cases.
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As a Criminal Defense Attorney, Attorney Thomas Kissell focuses on DWI and DUI cases throughout Missouri, and serious felony charges. Attorney Thomas Kissell is a DUI Attorney with more than 10 years experience. Attorney Thomas Kissell handles cases in every single county in Missouri. Although primarily focused on DUI Defense, Mr. Kissell also handles hand selected serious criminal matters.
Prior to private practice, Thomas worked in the legal department of american Family Insurance for 5 years. As in-house counsel for american Family Insurance, his role was litigating personal injury claims, determining insurance coverage, reviewing insurance policy language, and deposing adverse witnesses, police officers and opposing parties. Thomas received winning verdicts in every civil jury trial handled while with american Family and tried nearly 50 cases.
Thomas has represented 1000s of criminal cases.