1100 Walnut St #2940, Kansas City, Missouri
I am David M. Lurie, a Kansas City criminal defense attorney with more than 40 years of experience. I know how to structure an argument and a case to put my client in the best light possible. I build relationships that allow me to work more efficiently and more effectively for my clients. I also know exactly what it takes to analyze a case and the weaknesses and strengths of the prosecutor's case to custom-craft a result for each client.
Whatever you are being charged with, chances are good that I've helped someone in a similar situation before. I will draw on this experience, as well as the facts of your specific situation, to help the authorities see you as the good person you are so we can minimize the punishment you may face.
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I am David M. Lurie, a Kansas City criminal defense attorney with more than 40 years of experience. I know how to structure an argument and a case to put my client in the best light possible. I build relationships that allow me to work more efficiently and more effectively for my clients. I also know exactly what it takes to analyze a case and the weaknesses and strengths of the prosecutor's case to custom-craft a result for each client.
Whatever you are being charged with, chances are good that I've helped someone in a similar situation before. I will draw on this experience, as well as the facts of your specific situation, to help the authorities see you as the good person you are so we can minimize the punishment you may face.