4310 Madison Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
A criminal defense lawyer who works for you.
Tracy chose to become a criminal defense attorney because she wanted to ensure everyone has a fair chance to tell their story. She understands there are many reasons someone might wind up on the wrong side of a courtroom and it doesn’t mean they are a bad person or someone who deserves a harsh punishment. Tracy makes sure clients receive the best possible outcome when their license or livelihood are on the line.
Fighting for you in the courtroom.
Tracy wants to make sure you get a fair day in court. She will make sure police procedures were properly followed, examine evidence against you, and thoroughly review your case for any issues. From there, she will help you make an educated decision about how best to move forward. There are many ways a punishment can be handed down if punishment is even necessary, and Tracy will fight to find the best situation for you.
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A criminal defense lawyer who works for you.
Tracy chose to become a criminal defense attorney because she wanted to ensure everyone has a fair chance to tell their story. She understands there are many reasons someone might wind up on the wrong side of a courtroom and it doesn’t mean they are a bad person or someone who deserves a harsh punishment. Tracy makes sure clients receive the best possible outcome when their license or livelihood are on the line.
Fighting for you in the courtroom.
Tracy wants to make sure you get a fair day in court. She will make sure police procedures were properly followed, examine evidence against you, and thoroughly review your case for any issues. From there, she will help you make an educated decision about how best to move forward. There are many ways a punishment can be handed down if punishment is even necessary, and Tracy will fight to find the best situation for you.