82 E. Main Street, Somerville, New Jersey
From resolving business disputes to fighting criminal charges to navigating real estate transactions, small business owners and individuals, alike, find themselves in need of highly skilled legal representation.
The outcome of these situations can have a lasting impact on your life or your business. At The Law Offices of James A. Abate, LLC, we utilize our experience and familiarity with the courts of New Jersey, to minimize the exposure of our clients and create a positive impact. With more than 10 years of experience, we protect our clients' interests throughout New Jersey, with offices in Union and Somerset counties.
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From resolving business disputes to fighting criminal charges to navigating real estate transactions, small business owners and individuals, alike, find themselves in need of highly skilled legal representation.
The outcome of these situations can have a lasting impact on your life or your business. At The Law Offices of James A. Abate, LLC, we utilize our experience and familiarity with the courts of New Jersey, to minimize the exposure of our clients and create a positive impact. With more than 10 years of experience, we protect our clients' interests throughout New Jersey, with offices in Union and Somerset counties.