Find a criminal lawyer is an online legal directory designed to help people find knowledgeable and experienced criminal justice lawyers.
No, lawyers are not all the same. You know that all heart surgeons are doctors, but not all doctors are heart surgeons. The same is true of criminal lawyers. Very few lawyers focus their practice on criminal law, a specialized law area that requires time and dedication to master.
For a lawyer to be listed on, they must:
- devote at least 80% of their practice to criminal law, and
- have practiced law for at least five years.
No. is a free service to help people like you find a criminal lawyer.
The lawyers on our site pay a small fee for their listing.
No. is a legal directory, and none of the lawyers listed on our site work for us. For a more detailed explanation, visit our “terms of use” page.
We use a technology known as IP Geolocation to determine your general location. We do this so that when you visit, we can direct you to criminal attorneys in your area as quickly as possible.
We do not store your location on our servers or use this information to identify you. We only use it to simplify and enhance your experience with our criminal lawyer directory.
Pick up the phone, or complete an online submission. A criminal justice attorney can only help you by talking to you.